Stock Valuation | Learn how to value a stock

Learn stock valuation techniques – Pay close attention to the price you pay for a stock and you minimize your speculative risk. Focus instead on investment returns.

  1. Stock Valuation -the basics
  2. Impact of Investment Returns vs. Speculative Returns
    1. Investment Return Vs. Speculative Return
  3. Paying Up Rarely Pays off
  4. Using Price multiples wisely
    1. Price-to-Sales
    2. Price-to-Book
    3. Price-to-Earnings
    4. P/E drawbacks
    5. Price-to-Earnings Growth (PEG)
    6. Say Yes to Yield

Stock Analysis | Learn to analyse a stock in-depth

Learning stock analysis can be a daunting task for newbie investors. Here’s a complete step by step, do-it-yourself template for conducting in-depth stock analysis

  1. Analysing a Company- stock analysis basics, step-by-step
  2. Growth
    1. Sources of Growth
    2. Quality of Growth
  3. Profitability
    1. Return on Assets (ROA)
    2. Return on Equity (ROE)
    3. Free Cash Flow
    4. Profitability Matrix
    5. Return on Invested Capital (ROIC)
  4. Financial Health
    1. Financial Leverage
    2. Debt to Equity
    3. Interest Coverage
    4. Current Ratio
    5. Quick Ratio
  5. The Bear Case
  6. The Management
    1. Character
    2. Thank you.